Barnet Labour and Feargal Sharkey applaud crisis report

Barnet Labour and clean rivers campaigner Feargal Sharkey were the first to respond to Cool Oak founder, Ben Watt’s damning crisis report on the state of the Welsh Harp to the Welsh Harp Joint Consultative Committee on Thursday night.

Feargal Sharkey tweeted: "An eloquent, penetrating, insightful and painfully accurate account of the failure by Canal and River Trust, Environment Agency, Barnet Council, Brent Council and Natural England to safeguard the Welsh Harp SSSI."

Referring to the "powerful presentation" Barnet Labour posted: "Recent pictures of fly-tipping and litter on the site, and a shocking picture of a dead bird killed by discarded fishing line from illegal angling demonstrate the need for more resources for enforcement and maintenance of the Welsh Harp."

Barnet Labour’s representative on the Welsh Harp Joint Consultative Committee, Cllr Anne Clarke added: “I am grateful to the residents that spoke so powerfully at the Joint Committee last night. The Welsh Harp is under constant threat from neglect and enviro-crime, and this is an ongoing problem that needs urgent and sustained action."

Barnet Labour have immediately proposed a fund which would put £132,000 towards urgent action plan for protection of Welsh Harp, and the recruitment of biodiversity and ecology officer.


Decades-old junk removed from marshes by Canal and River Trust